Common Sexual Health Issues Men Face

Dr S. Das

 A lot of things, from physical and mental health issues to sexual dysfunctions, can affect a man’s sexual life. Talking to a doctor about problems with your sex life, preferably one who specializes in the penis, testes, and prostate problems, is the best way to solve them.

Loss of libido, erectile difficulties, and ejaculating too soon are all sexual health problems that people often have. You can combat these conditions by talking to your partner about it, getting regular checkups, and adopting healthy habits.

1. Erectile dysfunction

Men may be ashamed to go to the doctor for sexual health problems, which can make getting help harder than it needs to be and make things worse over time. One of the most common sexual health problems among Americans ages 30 and up is erectile dysfunction.

It can be very embarrassing to lose or have trouble keeping an erection. It can also cause a lot of stress, hurt relationships, and low self-esteem. In addition, it could be a sign of a deeper health problem that needs to be treated right away.

Sadly, there are many effective ways to treat erectile dysfunction, such as making changes to your diet and taking medicine, going to physical therapy, or seeing a urologist who specializes in male sexual dysfunction. These professionals may prescribe certain medications or suggest devices like penile prostheses or low-intensity shockwave therapy.

Men’s sexual pleasure and performance are also greatly affected by psychological factors. Often, sexual encounters are stressful or even anxiety-inducing for both people involved. Some mental illnesses, like depression and anxiety, can make it hard to enjoy things or get an erection, especially if they start early in life. This can make it harder to have good relationships later on and make sex more of a hassle for both people involved.

2. Infertility

For a man to become fertile, his sperm needs to join with a female egg. So that this can happen, his testicles make and store sperm cells before they are released during a sexual interaction. Any problems with his testicles or the structures around them could stop this process and make it impossible for him to get pregnant.

Some health problems and ways of life can make it harder for men to get pregnant. Such things as smoking or drinking too much can lower sperm count and quality and lower sperm numbers. Antibiotics used to treat sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) are one type of medicine that can make men less fertile.

In addition to living well, working out regularly, and getting enough rest, men can improve their sexual and reproductive health by having safe sex, using condoms regularly, and seeing a doctor for regular check-ups. Checkups may include physical checks, blood tests, an ultrasound of the scrotum to look for problems like varicoceles, and an analysis of the sperm to see how concentrated, colored, and moving they are, among other things.

There are treatments that doctors can give to people that can improve their chances of getting pregnant. This could include medicine, surgery, technology for assisted reproduction, or changes to the way you live. A lot of couples and people have been able to get pregnant after trying different infertility treatments.

3. Premature Ejaculation

When an orgasm happens before it’s supposed to during a sexual experience, this is called premature ejaculation. It’s one of the most common sexual disorders in men, and it can be very frustrating for both partners. If it hurts relationships and closeness, it can also be embarrassing.

There isn’t a single clear cause for premature ejaculation most of the time. However, it could be caused by several things, such as relationship stress, anxiety, and feeling uncomfortable with your sexual abilities; a lack of practice or confidence; physical symptoms like having extra sensitive penile skin; or side effects from some medications (SSRIs).

When you go to the doctor for PE symptoms, they will ask about your sexual history, any medicines you are on, your family’s medical history, and any signs of illness in either of you. They might do physical exams to find any health problems. If the doctor thinks there might be a problem that is causing the PE symptoms, they will order lab tests to look for signs of an illness or other health issues that could be causing the pain.

It is possible to treat PE well. Medications, behavior therapy, and coaching may all help cut down on episodes. Your doctor will talk to you about which plan is best for you based on whether your PE is a long-term or short-term problem and any other sexual worries you have.

4. Pain During Intercourse

If you don’t want to experience painful sex, you don’t have to do it as part of “getting older.” You can feel better by seeing your doctor regularly, eating healthy, and talking to your partner about what sexual experiences are good for both of you.

Diabetes, heart disease, neurological disorders, long-term conditions such as kidney or liver failure, hormonal imbalances, and medications such as antidepressants, sedatives, and high blood pressure medications are just a few of the many factors that can lead to painful intercourse. In addition, vaginal trauma or irritation from procedures such as episiotomy or female circumcision, as well as incisions made during childbirth to widen the birth canal, can make intercourse more difficult or painful. Medications such as opioids, antacids, and antidepressants can also make lubrication more difficult.

Women are often more likely than men to experience pain during sexual activity due to changes in hormones and other factors such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Sexually transmitted infections sometimes cause pelvic inflammatory disease, but they can also be a sign of endometriosis, a condition in which cells similar to those in the uterus grow in areas such as the fallopian tubes, bladder, or bowel. Some symptoms of endometriosis include pain during sexual activity, unpredictable bleeding, and pelvic pain.


  • Dr S Das

    Dr S. Das is a highly accomplished medical professional with a passion for improving healthcare and sharing his expertise with the world. With an MBBS and MD to his name, Dr. Das has dedicated his career to the fields of internal medicine and public health, earning a reputation for his clinical excellence, research contributions, and commitment to patient care.

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